Message from Governor-Elect 2024-2025
Cynthia Blackman

Cynthia Blackman
Governor-Elect 2024 2025
KC Pride of Barbados
Dear Fellow Kiwanians
As we begin this exciting new Kiwanis year, I am honoured and grateful to serve as your Governor-elect. I want to take a moment to thank Immediate Past Governor John for his leadership and dedication to our District. I also extend heartfelt congratulations to our new Governor, Pam Rodney-White and I look forward to collaborating closely with you to make this year impactful and meaningful for our members and our communities.
Thank you also to every Kiwanian who participated in the Member Engagement Survey which was conducted in August 2024. Your input is invaluable and will guide our efforts to ensure that we meet your needs and expectations.
Kiwanians, I look forward to your support of the 2024-2025 administration, and I am excited for us to collaborate and move our District to the next level. As Helen Keller once said, “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”. Best wishes for a successful 2024-2025! #ServiceInAction
Yours In Kiwanis Service
Cynthia I. Blackman