Kiwanis International and District Dues 2024-2025

Kiwanis Dues 2024-2025

Members of local Kiwanis clubs pay annual membership dues to their club. Dues paid by the members generally support their Kiwanis club, the Kiwanis district and Kiwanis International.

The total amount a member pays in dues entirely depends on their club and district. Each district sets district dues according to its budgetary needs, as does each club. Some clubs, for example, may set higher dues to account for meals provided during meetings or to cover meeting rental space, while others may set lower dues and leave meals up to the individual member. 

Kiwanis International member dues are set at US$77 per year for Tier 1*; and US$34 for Tier 2* clubs.  Additionally, for members in clubs in the U.S. and Canada, there is a cost of US$8 for Kiwanis publications, US$18 for liability insurance and US$4 for Directors & Officers Insurance. 

For Kiwanis International dues, a member country falls into one of two Tiers. The Gross National Income (GNI) determines the Tier for the club’s country.

See chart below

EC&C Annual Dues 2024-2025

On October 1, 2024, Kiwanis International will begin to prepare the annual dues invoice. The invoice for your club will be based on the number of members in the club as at midnight September 30, 2024, less any members deleted up to midnight October 10, 2024.

The invoice consists of four charges.

  1. Annual KI dues
  2. KI magazine – English Canada only
  3. KI Insurance – Liability & Directors and Officers
  4. District Dues*


The first three charges are in US$ and the fourth in Canadian $. The amounts shown below have been converted to the currency your location uses to pay dues.

The currency exchange rate was set on July 31, 2024, at 1.3815.  Please note, this is an increase in the exchange rate from last year, which was 1.3155.

This year, the District will rebate their dues by up to $3 per member*.  It is recommended that clubs reduce their member dues by the same amount.

Club Dues and the KI magazine must come from the club’s administrative account, the balance owing can come from the club’s service account.

All Caribbean clubs pay Kiwanis International in US$. Caribbean clubs send their dues payment to Kiwanis international in the USA.

All Canadian clubs pay their dues to Kiwanis International in Canadian $.


NOTE:  Canadian clubs must send their dues payment to P.O. Box 8416, Station “A” Toronto, Ontario M5W 3P1 CANADA (no courier or registered mail please)